A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Week 4 at Forest School First Half

Tuesday 27th January 2015 On our walk across the field to our woodland we spotted a cluster of evergreen trees. We learnt that these trees were called ‘pine trees’ and saw pine cones growing on them. We all got to collect the pine cones off the ground and took them to our woodland. This was […]

Week 3 at Forest School First Half

Wednesday 21st January 2015 This week our children were excited to find out that our animal shelters had survived the wind, rain, sleet and snow!  Our animals from last week were still in their homes looking cosy, warm and snug. We all enjoyed playing ‘One, two, three where are you?’ and are feeling more confident […]

Week 2 at Forest School First Half

Tuesday 13th January 2015 Lots of excited children, and adults, set off for Forest School this week and experienced a journey of sleet and snow. We were prepared for a cold afternoon! However, when we arrived at our woodland site the sleet and snow miraculously stopped and we had a wonderful dry and sunny afternoon, […]

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