Year 2
Welcome from Mrs Sadya!
Hello, I am Mrs Sadya and I am the Year 2 teacher at Shobnall Primary & Nursery School.
It is a pleasure to work with such wonderful children and keep them motivated with their learning. I am enthusiastic in ensuring all children receive new experiences with their learning and as many creative opportunities as possible.
I am very fortunate to work with such an enthusiastic team. This year Mrs Shannon and Miss Walton will be working with us!
Key Information
The School Day
The school day starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.30pm. The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 32.5 hours.
Book Bags and Equipment
Please ensure your child brings the following to school daily:
- A small, school book bag.
- A reading book and reading diary (which will be provided in class).
- A water bottle (must contain water).
PE will be on Mondays. Children will need to come to school in their kit on their allocated day. An outdoor kit should consist of plain black or navy jogging bottoms, a plain black or navy sweatshirt and trainers. For health and safety, children who wear earrings should have these removed on PE days.
Our weekly timetable for 2024-2025 is available to view via the link below. Please note that this may be subject to change.
Curriculum Overview
Please click on the link below to view an overview of our curriculum. More information can be found on the curriculum pages.
For homework, we ask that the children read for at least 10 minutes every night, and talk about the books they are reading as this will support enjoyment, fluency and understanding. It is necessary for reading to be recorded in their reading diaries at least 3 times a week. Each child has their own homework book. There will be spellings every week. These will also be uploaded onto Spelling Shed. I also set either a piece of English or Maths homework every Friday and collect it in the following Wednesday.
Click on the links below to access some of the resources that will help with your learning in Year 2.