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A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Year 4 Forest School Blog – Weeks 1, 2 & 3

Week 1 (8.11.16) The first week of Forest School for the Year 4s saw the class familiarise themselves with the area and explore how it had changed since their last visit. The class were given the task of collecting a variety of materials together so that they could then turn them into a piece of […]

Y2 Forest School November 2016

Week 1- Friday 16th September For the first week of Forest Schools the Year 2 children explored the forest school area and as a group we decided on the best rules for the following weeks. The children carried out their own risk assessment of the forest school area which included rules for the pond area, […]

Week 4 at Forest School for Reception Class

Wednesday 13th July 2016 When we arrived at Forest School today Explorer Ted was waiting for us around the fire circle. Inside his bag he had a pinecone and a plastic skittle! We talked about where the pinecone came from and compared it to the plastic man made skittle. As Explorer Ted only likes natural […]