Year 2 Forest School 14 October 2020

Session 6 – 14.10.20- Forest School Year 2 had a wonderful, last Forest School session. We completed our activities from previous weeks. We reflected on our activities and discussed our favourite activities. We then finished off with some songs and a hot chocolate and biscuit. Year 2 have been so engaged and absolutely loved Forest […]
Year 2 Forest School 7 October 2020

Session 5 – 7.10.20- Forest School Year 2 had a wonderful, wet and muddy afternoon at Forest School. This week, we continued our learning about The Great Fire of London. We painted our clay structures. We also continued using the sticks and clove hitch knot to make wands. We have been identifying and naming different […]
Year 2 Forest School 30 September 2020
Session 4- 30.9.20 – Forest school Year 2 had a wonderful afternoon at Forest School. This week, we continued our learning about The Great Fire of London. We used clay and natural materials to make clay fire structures. Children then used the sticks that they previously cut down with loppers to create a clove hitch […]
Year 2 Forest School 23 September 2020

Session 3- 23.9.20- Forest School Year 2 had a wonderful afternoon at Forest School This week, we continued our learning about The Great Fire of London. We re-enacted the ‘Great fire’ and acted as fire fighters, using ‘buckets’ of water to put the fire out. Children also used loppers to continue cutting their sticks, ready […]
Year 2 Forest School 16 September 2020

Session 2 -16.9.20-Forest school Year 2 had a wonderful afternoon at Forest School in the sunshine. This week, we carried on learning about The Great Fire of London. We re-enacted the fire by making paper houses and watching how quickly the fire spread. Children also had chance to act as bakers and mixed up a […]