2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 6

Week 6 This week we made chapattis out of flour and water. The children really enjoyed making these, and of course eating them. They played really well and they painted their clay coins that they made earlier in the term. The children also tasted some marshmallows which has been heated over the fire. They loved […]
2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 5
Week 5 We were all grateful that this week was dryer and warmer than last week. The children put themselves into groups and they enjoyed making shelters and dens from tarpaulin and natural resources that were around the Forest School area. They really liked drawing the Arabic alphabet on their wood cookies which was very […]
2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 4

Week 4 Children in Year 5 have been using the Bill Hook to cut wood. They have been working together and communicate effectively to be able to use the tool correctly. The children really enjoyed this task. Children have been creating bug hotels in their groups which was a lovely activity but very muddy as […]
2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 3

Week 3 The children have been creating crowns out of natural materials which they have really enjoyed. They have been printing flowers onto materials by hammering the flowers with a hammer. The pupils have also used the Bill Hook this week where they have been working in partners where they have had to communicate effectively.
2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 2

Week 2 The children have really enjoyed this week at Forest School as they have been getting ready for the King’s Coronation by creating a crown for King Charles. The children have created a necklace from clay for the Early Islamic era which they really enjoyed. The children enjoyed their hot chocolate at the end […]
2023 Year 5 Forest School Week 1

Week 1 A fabulous first week at Forest School where the new topic was introduced to the children- Early Islam. The children were reminded all about the activities and the tool they would be introduced to this half term. The children looked around the Forest School area at the number of natural changes that had […]
2023 Year 2 Forest School Week 6

Week 6 Year 2s final session of forest school was so much fun. We did not want it to end! The children reflected on all the wonderful things they have learnt over the last 6 weeks. Mrs Johnston had taught us so much it was hard to pick out our favourite. However, once we had, […]
2023 Year 2 Forest School Week 5

Week 5 Wow, what an interesting forest school session this week. The children all tried cooking using a Dutch oven. We all made some extremely tasty fruit and chocolate kebabs. We used the Dutch oven to melt the chocolate and cover our fruit. After, year 2 also toasted marshmallows over the fire and learnt about […]
2023 Forest School Week 4

Week 4 During year 2s forth forest school session the children had a go at making our own cakes and puddings for the pudding lane bakery using mud. They looked delicious! The children also made bubble wands. We soon released that it was not easy to create the perfect bubble with a stick and a […]
2023 Year 2 Forest School Week 3

Week 3 For our third week in forest school the children learnt about lots of the iconic buildings you can find in London today and how different it would have been in 1666. The children participated in many different activities today including den building. Mr. Mansfield even ended up with a fully furnished den. During […]