A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

2024 Nursery Forest School Week 4

2024 Nursery Forest School Week 4
May 17, 2024 Rebecca Ellerton

Our fourth week into Forest school and the children have had another wonderful  experience, learning lots of new skills.

We started our session with a group game called ‘Sticky Elbows’. The children were brilliant at staying in the boundary area and finding a partner to stick their elbows, backs, fingers and toes together with!

The children then followed the instructions and sat around the fire circle where they enjoyed listening to the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ by Mick Inkpen. After listening to the story, the children created their own tall beanstalk by learning how to do bark rubbings onto leaf outlines.  They designed giant faces using clay and natural materials found lying around on the ground and had great fun filling up teapots and making some yummy mud pies!

The children also learnt a new skill of how to use a hammer. They enjoyed learning about an old Japanese art technique called ‘Hapa Zome.’ The children showed great care and control when using the hammers and loved seeing the different colours and patterns appar on the fabric. They were all very proud of their end results and enjoyed sharing their patterns to each other.

We had another lovely sing song to the song ‘Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar’ to finish off our Forest School session.