A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

2024 Reception Forest School Week 6

2024 Reception Forest School Week 6
June 28, 2024 Rebecca Ellerton

We had a wonderful forest school adventure today. It was super to have some sun and we were also lucky enough to have lots of tall trees which offered us plenty of cool shade.

The mud kitchen was great fun as we transformed it into an ice cream parlour. We had mudcones of all flavours and included sprinkles, sauce and even twig flakes. Some of them even came with added extras like flower petals. There were lots of smiles and laughter as we got very creative making them and excitedly shared our creations with each other.

After collecting some flowers, we used them to give ourselves a new hairstyle. We carefully poked the stems through cardboard holes with our faces on. The results were fabulous, our hair looked beautiful, bright and colourful, it smelt good too!

We have explored many uses for pinecones during our weeks at forest school, but this week was certainly a favourite- flamingos. Pink paint was used along with sticks and pipe cleaners for the bendy neck and head and a wood cookie for the base. When completed they made us feel very happy and in the mood for Summer!

The fire burned fantastically and we were very careful when we toasted our marshmallows. We used the respect position very well and remembered exactly where to hold the skewer. Once the marshmallow was toasted, we placed them into chocolate biscuits to create a shmore- it was like a sandwich! Finally, after they cooled down we ate them, yum, yum the marshmallows were super gooey and the chocolate made it extra tasty. A fantastic way to finish of our reception forest school adventures!