A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Forest School – Reception 5 July 2017


Reception Forest School 5.7.17

The Reception children had a spring in their step as they headed off for Forest School this week, wondering if the fairies had been able to use the cars we made them last week to move all their belongings. We were not disappointed!


We then played a game in pairs, looking for ‘wiggly woolly caterpillars’ and attaching them onto a cardboard strip. This generated lots of discussion about which colours were easier to find and how some were ‘camouflaged’ with the grass.


After studying some different nests made by a Blackbird, House Martin and Mistle Thrush the children were set the challenge of building their own nests, using not their hands, but tweezers!


This week we also made our own spiders webs; weaving string in-between some sticks, then hung them up in our outdoor classroom. They looked amazing!   






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