A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Forest School – Year 3

  • Forest Year 3

    Year 3, Wednesday 9th March 2016

    The children had a brilliant time during Forest School this week. They used the beads cut from elder branches in last week’s session to create some exciting bracelets. The children very carefully coloured the beads using felt tips and threaded them carefully onto string. They were very proud and surprised that they had made these wonderful items from a tree!

  • Forest Year 3

    Year 3 Session 2

    A fun game of ‘Earth, Air or Water’ began this week’s Forest School session. Children worked in smaller groups and when a ball was thrown to them, had to think of a creature that lives (or spends a lot of its time) in either the earth, air or water.

  • Forest Year 3

    Year 3 begin their Forest School experience!

    After a frosty start to the day, a beautiful sunny afternoon greeted the Year 3 children as they made their way down the school field for their first encounter of Forest School.

    The children were introduced to the team game ‘Giants, dwarves and wizards’ and were soon in a healthy competitive spirit as they expertly performed their actions to do battle against each other.