A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Nursery Forest School Week 3

Friday 7th May 2021

Nursery Forest School Session 3

Our third week into Forest School and the Nursery children are growing in confidence before our eyes!  They are so keen to venture off and begin their explorations whist demonstrating they are fully aware of our safety procedures.  Children can be seen walking around the fire circle, measuring sticks against their arm to see if they can be carried and know not to enter the pond area without an adult being present!

This week we learnt lots of new skills using our class story, Little Red Riding Hood as our stimulus.  Using the flower theme, children looked closely at a range of wild flowers, dandelions and seed heads and carefully dissected them, to attach onto some sticky backed plastic, creating their own flower.  The children were fascinated by the small petals and ‘fluffy bits’ found at the bottom of the dandelions.

Using the wild flowers and leaves collected, the children were also introduced to ‘Hapa Zome’, a Japanese art form whereby the pigments are beaten out of the plants onto pieces of cloth.  The children showed great care and control when using the hammers and loved seeing the different colours and patterns appear onto their fabric.

Other children were busily making mud cakes for Grandma.  We didn’t need to add any water to our soil this week, as the recent rainfall had given us a plentiful supply of mud!

Minibeast hunting became a popular activity this week, as children began to swarm around the log seating area, to see what was lying underneath!  Many children were just content to observe from a distance, whereas others wanted a much closer view and very carefully picked them up!  The awe and wonder on the children’s faces was a pleasure to see!

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