A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Week 3 at Forest School First Half

Wednesday 21st January 2015

This week our children were excited to find out that our animal shelters had survived the wind, rain, sleet and snow!  Our animals from last week were still in their homes looking cosy, warm and snug.


We all enjoyed playing ‘One, two, three where are you?’ and are feeling more confident within the woodland setting as we find lots of hidden places to hide, all of which are very exciting.


Explorer Ted was also hiding deep in the woodland this week). We had to look high and low to find him.  He was being very naughty!!! DSCF1113 This week he had pictures for us to talk, about from the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson.  We all decided we wanted to make Stick Man a friend and set off in search of some sticks.  With a little help we tied them together.  We found it exciting giving our stick man a special name and we showed him around our own woodland. Some of us created a home for our stick man and some of us worked together in a group to design a family home, using everybody’s ideas. DSCF1117DSCF1118DSCF1126DSCF1128DSCF1136DSCF1137P1090271DSCF1141

Can you find our stick men hiding in the pictures? They’re being very mischievous!!!

The children once again finished off their afternoon discussing their escapades  and supping the delicious hot chocolate which Mrs. Clews kindly made for us. Finally, we departed with fresh air in our lungs and rosy red cheeks. It was such fun.P1090261

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