A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Y2 Forest School November 2016

Week 1- Friday 16th September

For the first week of Forest Schools the Year 2 children explored the forest school area and as a group we decided on the best rules for the following weeks. The children carried out their own risk assessment of the forest school area which included rules for the pond area, carrying logs and using the fire pit. The children also learnt a rhyme that can be used for getting the group together. The adult shouts “1, 2, 3, where are you?” to which the children would respond “1, 2, 3, we’re here” and then the adult would say “1, 2, 3 come back to me”.

(PIC – 0352) FS Y4 16.9.1

Week 2- Friday 23rd September

This week the children explored the pond area. We discussed the importance of the “respect position”. This is a stance where children can be comfortable yet stable around the pond area. We also practised the “respect position” around the fire pit area. The children also wanted to walk around the fire pit so we discussed different ways in which to exit and enter the fire pit area whilst remaining safe… the promise of toasted marshmallows helped them think of some very good suggestions for using the fire pit!

Week 3- Friday 30th September

During this term Year 2 have been learning about the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. This week the children decided to try and create some artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. The children created some beautiful artwork using natural materials such as leaves, sticks, mud and stone. We also had a great time walking around the forest school area whilst kicking through the autumn leaves!

(PICS- 0880, 0881) FS Y2 30.9.1, FS Y2 30.9.2

Week 4- Friday 7th October

For our penultimate week Mr Gordon decided to be brave and decided to get the knives out.. After a “tool talk” the children were very well prepped on the safety of using knifes. We whittled some lovely sticks which the children then used to create some “Andy Goldsworthy” inspired artwork.

(PICS- 0884, 0885, 0886, 0951) FS Y2 7.10.1, FS Y2 7.10.2, FS Y2 7.10.3 & FS Y2 7.10.4

Week 5- Friday 14th October

For our 5th and final week of forest schools Year 2 were extremely excited for the much anticipated “toasted marshmallows”. 30 children all sat very expectantly around the fire pit, with hot chocolates and skewers in hand. All of a sudden Mr Gordon felt under pressure to get the fire going! However, all was well and the fire lit. The children “loved” the toasting their marshmallows whilst singing some songs around the camp fire.

(PICS- 0361, 0362, 0371, 0372, 0381) FSY2 14.10.1, FSY2 14.10.2, FSY2 14.10.3, FSY2 14.10.4 & FSY2 14.10.5

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