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A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Year 4 Forest School – Week 4

This week Year 4 were split into three groups so that we could cover a range of activities.

Activity one involved using the knotting skills the children had developed last week in order to create a shelter to protect them from the rain.  They thoroughly enjoyed being able to work together as a team and produce a successful shelter.

Activity two was a lot of fun and you could hear laughter all around Forest School. This activity was all about trust. In pairs, the children had to take it in turns to be blindfolded and led around the designated area by their partner. Once they had finished the partner had to remove the blind fold and retrace their steps.

Activity three also involved us working as a team in order to create a piece of art work out of natural materials in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We had to work together in order to gather natural resources and then worked together to make American themed art which linked to our topic ‘The Star Spangled Banner’.  The children created different interpretations of American symbols.

Our session ended with a story around the campfire circle with a drink and biscuit.
