A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Year 5 Forest School 8th May 2019

Week 5 What a wet and muddy week the Year 5 children had at Forest School. The children have enjoyed the Expelliarmus topic so much that we have decided to continue it in our sessions at Forest School. The children enjoyed a plethora of activities this week that helped them to develop their teamwork skills. […]

Year 5 Forest School 1st May 2019

Week 4 We kicked off today’s session with a trust game, where the children had to work in pairs. Each person took it in turns to slowly fall on their partner and catch them. The children used the palm drill to drill holes in their deathly Hallows cookies created in a previous session and added […]

Year 5 Forest School 10th April 2019

Week 3 Another week and another tool to for the children to master their techniques however it became exceptionally tricky due to the dense nature of the wood. It required for the children to continually hit the billhook with the mallet so that it could split the wood into two pieces. In order to do […]

Year 5 Forest School 3rd April 2019

Week 2 The children were thoroughly excited for another fun-filled second week at Forest School. Although, the weather was not particularly pleasant that did not put a damper on our spirits and we persevered to complete today’s activities. Continuing with our Harry potter theme, we had the opportunity to use some tool this weeks to […]

Year 5 Forest School 27 March 2019

Week 1 The first week of Forest School for the Year Five’s saw the class familiarising themselves with the area and the safety rules. Our learning this week was based on our Harry Potter themed topic – Expelliarmus! The children were given the opportunity to explore the forest school area and notice any changes since […]

Reception Forest School 13th May 2019

Monday 13th May 2019 A wonderful buzz filled the air as excited children got ready for their first Forest School session.  The sun shone as we arrived at our Forest School site and as children gathered around the fire circle, they listened well to the rules of the area. We then played an introductory game […]

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