A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

2024 Reception Forest School Week 3

2024 Reception Forest School Week 3
May 10, 2024 Rebecca Ellerton

We had a glorious time at forest school today with the welcome addition of some sunshine!

To start off we created a giant spider web by passing a ball of wool around our circle until we all had a piece to hold. We were very careful not to let go and our web was so secure even spiderman could have climbed over it!

During our session today we got creative by using pinecones to make our own spiders using lots of exciting colours just like the spiders in the story, ‘Spinderella,’ by Julia Donaldson, which we shared earlier in the week.

The spider theme continued as we made a giant spider family using some large black boxes and natural materials we found in our forest setting. Our spiders have some fabulous creative legs and look very friendly indeed with wood cookie and stick smiles!

We have learnt about many minibeasts on our adventures in class and decided to represent some of our favourites using natural materials such as flower petals, pinecones, conkers, leaves etc. These look fantastic and we can’t wait to display them and see who can guess which minibeasts we created.

As always, our Robin joined us, and we even spotted him digging up a worm. He got very close to us when we were busy exploring- we think he must like us a lot!