A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Forest School Reception Week 3

This week at Forest School the children took part in a range of activities linked to Little Red Riding Hood. They had lots of fun looking carefully for the Big Bad wolf and his friends and used their number skills to discuss and compare amounts. They also explored map work as they made their way […]

Forest School Reception Week 2

The children had a focus on Alice in Wonderland this week and went in search for the Cheshire cat. The had lots of fun finding all of his hiding places all around Forest School. They also joined in with the Mad Hatters tea party and made some lovely mud and leaf sandwiches amongst other things […]

Forest School Reception Week 1

The children had a great start to their Forest School experience this week. They took part in a variety of activities linked to the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They had fun creating giant faces using mud and natural materials on tree trunks as well as bark rubbings to decorate leaves which they then had […]

Forest School Year 5 Week 3

Session Three – 5.5.21  We learnt how to use our first tool this week – the fire striker. The fire strikers were a little bit tricky to use but we were determined to light our ‘pixie pillows’ and start a fire. This activity took a lot of perseverance but we got there in the end […]

Forest School Year 5 Week 2

Session Two – 28.4.21  The children were thoroughly excited for another fun-filled second week at Forest School. The weather was slightly better this week and we even had a lovely bit of sunshine at one point, which made our afternoon even more enjoyable. Continuing with our Early Islamic Civilisation theme, we had the opportunity to […]

Forest School Year 5 Week 1

Session One – 21.4.21  The first week of Forest School for the Year Five saw the class enjoying an extremely sunny and warm afternoon. We began the session by familiarising ourselves with the fire circle and the safety rules.  Our learning at Forest School will be based on our Early Islamic Civilisation themed topic – […]

Year 3 Forest School Week 4

Year 3: Forest School Session – 11.05.21 This week’s session started with a game of pass the pinecone. The children had to stand in a circle with one person standing in the middle. The aim of the game was to pass a pinecone secretly behind their backs without the person in the middle guessing who has […]

Year 3 Forest School Week 5

Year 3: Forest School Session – 18.05.21 Year 3 really enjoyed their forests school session this week. The session started with a game of ‘Grumpy Badger’. One person had to keep a straight face while the others fired questions at them. The only response they could give was ‘grumpy badger’. This game was very funny […]

Nursery Forest School Week 4

Thursday 20th May 2021 Nursery Forest School Session 5 Having everyone back together again this week for Forest School, we headed off dressed in our waterproofs and wellies for a Gingerbread Man themed session. Using lots of natural resources, we created Gingerbread Men on both a small and large scale! Children searched for appropriate resources […]

Year 3 Forest School Week 3

Year 3: Forest School Session – 4 May 2021 Year 3 had a fantastic forest school session this week. The session started with a game of ‘Den, Fire, Log Pile, Bushes and Friends’. Mrs Farrington called out a command and the children had to quickly form a group and perform an action. The children really […]

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