A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Forest School – Reception

  • Forest Reception

    Week 2 at Forest School

    Undeterred by the cooler and drizzly weather we set off for our weekly Forest School session. We began with our safety game ‘1,2,3 where are you?’, this week lots of children were confident to go off and hide by themselves.

  • Forest Reception

    Week 1 at Forest School

    The second group of very excited Reception children entered Forest School for the first time today. Since our last visit the woodland has burst into life and is now full of secret pathways waiting to be discovered!

  • Forest Reception

    Week 6 at Forest School, First Half

    This week at Forest School we were all filled with a mix of emotions. Happy and excited to be back in the woodland and a little sad as it was our last visit; so we made sure it was as action packed as ever!

  • Forest Reception

    Week 5 at Forest School, First Half

    The sun shone beautifully for us this week at Forest School. We were very surprised to find snow still on the ground when we arrived. It sounded lovely and crunchy under our feet as we stomped all over it.

  • Forest Reception

    Week 4 at Forest School First Half

    On our walk across the field to our woodland we spotted a cluster of evergreen trees. We learnt that these trees were called ‘pine trees’ and saw pine cones growing on them.