A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT
A partner academy in the John Taylor MAT

Forest School Year 1 Week 1

Forest School Year 1 Week 1
June 11, 2021 Rebecca Ellerton

June 2021

Year 1 had a fantastic first Forest School session, which for lots of the children was their very first time down at Forest School due to not being able to go last year because of COVID. The children spent the first part of the session learning all of the Forest School rules, including how to safely handle sticks, where the children can explore and how to care for the nature around them. The children then had the rest of the time to adventure through the new terrain. The WooWoo (eco-toilet) was a highlight for lots of the children and a great source of giggles! They were experts at navigating the long grass and low branches and even set up their own band to perform ‘Nature Music’. The children cannot wait for their next session where we hope we will be blessed with glorious sunshine again!