Week 4 Monday 17th June 2019
After such a wet week, we had a glorious sunny Forest School session, perfect for minibeast hunting! The children searched in our bug hotel, under stones, logs and in the grass and were very excited to share their findings with friends.
Other children were designing and creating their own flying bugs, by threading beads onto pipe cleaners and sculpting wings onto stick bodies.
We all love cooking on a campfire and this week we made banana and chocolate chip ‘caterpillars’! The children carefully prepared their banana before wrapping it up in foil, and placed in on the grill to warm up gently. What a yummy treat we had for our snack today!
To conclude our session the children all helped to extinguish the campfire and gave their verdict on the cooked banana. Surprisingly, most children were a little unsure about the texture and preferred their bananas uncooked. Well done for trying though!